Advertising in the analysis

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Advertising analysis list (detail)
items power price own banner?
highest level Lingua1Agere/QuestionisFructusAgere/negotiaGeraeteGB.html 10€/month yes
highest level Lingua1Agere/QuestionisConformatioAgere/negotiaLayoutGB.html 10€/month yes
highest level 6ImpressumAgere/LinguaGBAgere/RicipereAgere/WerbungWirblerMirbler1.html 10€/month yes
highest level 1NegotiumAgere/2MittereAgere/3PraetiumInfamisAgere/LinguaAgere/VulgusConsedereAgere/WerbungWirblerMirbler11.html 10€/month yes
highest level 1NegotiumAgere/LinguaGBSanskritAgere/QuestionisConformatioAgere/electronictransfers.html 10€/month yes
highest level 6ImpressumAgere/7AvaritiaAgere/8DuctusAgere/9ExplicatiumAgere/VulgusConsedereAgere/errors6.html 10€/month yes
highest level 1NegotiumAgere/2MittereAgere/3PraetiumInfamisAgere/4ConfirmareAgere/LinguaAgere/VulgusConsedereAgere/faqWirblerMirblerGB.html 10€/month yes
highest level Lingua6Agere/VulgusConsedereAgere/Impressum.html 10€/month yes
highest level 6ImpressumAgere/7AvaritiaAgere/LinguaGBAgere/RicipereAgere/AdvertisementHandling.html 10€/month yes
annotation: please create your own banner or advertising. it can be designed in special cases smaller banner of wirbler and mirbler

copy the desired link with a right-click and then insert it to our information data-transferring. best to include your banner link! -> then pay! 

the small reviewer's office web

  to announce a reclame

the link for your AD - here -
your AD upload file - here -

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